Privacy Policy

The following is information, data, and access to devices that we collect in doing this application:

1. Camera and Gallery.

Our application needs to get permission to access your camera and gallery and other information related to it, because this is a survey application that requires access to the camera and gallery as a data source, without which the application will not work.

2. Location Data.

Every time you use the Application through your mobile device, we will track and collect your geo-location information in real-time. In some cases, you will be asked or asked to activate the Global Positioning System (GPS) on your mobile device so that we can provide you with a better experience using the Application (for example, to provide you more accurate location to be input on the survey). You can always choose to temporarily disable geo-location tracking information on your mobile device. However, this may affect the functionality available in the Application.

3. Analytics.

We use tracking technology on this service, which will be used for information on how to use the application. This information will be used to analyse and determine the appropriate function or feature and to handle bug or any issues.

Revisions to the Privacy Policy

We may change this Privacy Policy at some point in the future. We will notify you that it has been revised by updating the date at the top of the Privacy Policy available on this website.

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or you would like to obtain access to your Personal Information, please contact:


Phone: +6221 – 27820001

Address: Jalan Cipete Raya No,5

Cipete Selatan, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12410